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FS2004 - FSX - LatinVFR - Santiago SCEL Windows Registration 32bit Full Version Patch Exe Torrent


This is the final farewell post to Santiago SCEL, a LatinVFR scenery made by L1X for FS2004. It has been retired since December 2015. As of this moment all scenery assets have been removed from Scenery Central. If you have any suggestions or requests for new scenery, please leave them at the TFScenery thread on the MySims Forums Santiago SCEL was created in 2007-2008 as an attempt to recreate Santiago, Chile's capital city with all its complexity and beauty. Some of the most fun I had designing this project was coming up with different textures for some classic buildings that couldn't be found anywhere else.   While never being a full recreation, this scenery is a great representation of the country's capital. It consists of a main airport and one surrounding city, which can be seen from both the ground and the air. Also included are the surrounding mountains and terrain to give you a feeling of flying in Southern Patagonia.  The scenery features: Two airports: Santiago International Airport (SCEL) and Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport (SCLP) Four seasons Four different night textures Updated for FSX SP2/Acceleration/Navigation Source material from LatinVFR. com General scenery enhancements. The scenery is provided for both FSX and FS2004. There are two airports included: SCEL and SCLP. If you would like, you can download the .bgl files on the "Scenery Central" website here: If you prefer to use the source material, here is some additional information on how to get it working in FS2004: I have updated the scenery with some enhancements starting with version 0.1 of this update (released September 10, 2014). 1. The airport was given disc brakes disc fences and some new fences on the runways to make it look more authentic. New antennas were added at the airport as well& 2. I've improved the lighting of the airport and also added some lighting enhancements to tie in with the city lights of Santiago's surrounding mountains  3. I've changed many objects to reflect different textures for which no texture existed in FS2004 but were actually present in FS2002/FS98/FS2000 4. I've assigned airports to two different textures (Santiago (SCEL) & Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez (CLP), which are used for Santiago SCEL scenery . 5. The airport gate and the "T" signs at the airport gates were made brighter to make it look more European style. 6. The airport parking spaces and some other objects were made brighter to give them a more real scenery feel 7. A new night texture for Santiago: Day = 0, Night = 1 (This is simulating a truly cloudy day and an overcast night). 8. I've improved the road textures near the airports for those that stop by on their way south or north towards Chile or Argentina, as well as those that fly to Chile from cities like Temuco, Punta Arenas etc. The scenery is provided as . cfa1e77820

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